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VOXZOGO® (vosoritide), a once-daily injection, 是一种c型利钠肽(CNP)类似物,被批准用于软骨发育不全和骨骺开放(生长板)儿童的线性生长。. Children on VOXZOGO have regular check ups to measure weight, growth, and physical development and adjust their dose. 在确认没有进一步增长潜力时,应停止VOXZOGO, when growth plates are closed.

VOXZOGO可能会引起严重的副作用,包括在一些患者中暂时降低血压. 降低血压下降和相关症状(头晕)的风险, feeling tired, or nausea), 患者在服用VOXZOGO前一小时内应保证充足的饮食和水分. Please see below for Important Safety Information, full Prescribing Information, and Patient Prescribing Information.


VOXZOGO是一种C型利钠肽(CNP)类似物,可促进儿童软骨发育不全伴开放性骨骺患者的线性生长. 这个适应症是基于年化增长速度的提高而加速批准的. 该适应症的继续批准可能取决于验证性试验中临床获益的验证和描述。.

Important Safety Information

What is VOXZOGO used for?

  • VOXZOGO是一种处方药,用于促进软骨发育不全和开放生长板(骨骺)儿童的线性生长。.
  • VOXZOGO是基于年化增长速度的提高而加速批准的. 继续批准可能取决于验证性试验中临床获益的验证和描述.

What is the most important safety information about VOXZOGO?

  • VOXZOGO可能会引起严重的副作用,包括在一些患者中暂时降低血压. 降低血压下降和相关症状(头晕)的风险, feeling tired, or nausea), 患者应在接受VOXZOGO前1小时内吃一顿饭并喝8至10盎司的液体.

What are the most common side effects of VOXZOGO?

  • VOXZOGO最常见的副作用包括注射部位反应(包括发红), itching, swelling, bruising, rash, hives, and injection site pain), 血液检查显示碱性磷酸酶水平高, vomiting, joint pain, decreased blood pressure, and stomachache. These are not all the possible side effects of VOXZOGO. 向您的医疗保健提供者咨询有关副作用的医疗建议, 以及任何困扰患者或不会消失的副作用.

How is VOXZOGO taken?

  • VOXZOGO is taken daily as an injection given under the skin, 在医疗保健提供者确定护理人员能够管理VOXZOGO后,由护理人员管理. 在您的医疗保健提供者向您展示正确的方法之前,不要尝试注射VOXZOGO. VOXZOGO提供了使用说明,其中描述了准备步骤, injecting, and disposing VOXZOGO. 护理人员应在收到VOXZOGO的补充药液(如有任何更改)时查看使用说明以获得指导.
  • 每天注射VOXZOGO 1次,每天大约同一时间. 如果错过了一剂VOXZOGO,可以在错过剂量后12小时内给予. 12小时后,跳过错过的剂量,并照常进行下一个每日剂量.
  • The dose of VOXZOGO is based on body weight. 您的医疗保健提供者将根据定期检查后的体重变化调整剂量.
  • 您的医疗保健提供者将监测患者的生长,并告诉您何时停止服用VOXZOGO,如果他们确定患者不再能够生长. 如果您的医疗保健提供者指示停止使用VOXZOGO.


  • 告诉你的医生所有病人的医疗状况,包括
    • If the patient has heart disease (cardiac or vascular disease), 或者患者正在服用降压药(抗高血压药).
    • If the patient has kidney problems or renal impairment.
    • If the patient is pregnant or plans to become pregnant. It is not known if VOXZOGO will harm the unborn baby.
    • If the patient is breastfeeding or plans to breastfeed. It is not known if VOXZOGO passes into breast milk.
  • Tell your doctor about all of the medicines the patient takes, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements.

You may report side effects to 澳门正规博彩十大排行平台 at 1-866-906-6100. 澳门正规博彩十大排行平台鼓励您向澳门十大博彩正规游戏平台报告处方药的负面副作用. Visit www.fda.gov/medwatch, or call 1-800-澳门十大博彩正规游戏平台-1088.

Please see additional safety information in the full Prescribing Information and Patient Prescribing Information.

Image: Scientist handling beakers
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